The platform trusted by leading landlords & workspace operators

What our customers say about us…

Integrating technology that makes our clients’ working lives easier is the foundation of great client experience, and we’re excited about the transformational impact essensys’ software will have across our spaces.
Luke Andrews
Head of Technology
essensys is more than a vendor; they’re a strategic partner propelling Carr Workplaces toward innovation, helping us to provide exceptional member experiences.
Michele Penaranda
VP of Strategy
By leveraging essensys’ software and technology, we aim to create the most efficient workspace environment possible, enhancing productivity and collaboration for both our members and our team.
Jessie Glew
What we liked about essensys was that nothing seemed unachievable.
Susy Spence
Head of Connectivity
Wherever there’s The Square, we’re​ going to use essensys. That’s a no brainer.
Annie Draper
Director, Workplace Services
essensys’ software and technology will enable us to deliver an exceptional plug-and-play capability. The partnership will allow us to provide the very best flexible space.
Calum Spence
Portfolio Manager