Introducing Intelligence Engine Powering meaningful space utilisation & digital experience insights

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Today marks an extraordinary milestone as we announce a brand new addition to essensys Platform: Intelligence Engine. This capability propels us into a new era of workspace management, bringing meaningful Space Utilisation and Digital Experience insights to essensys Platform. Leveraging our proprietary datasets, Intelligence Engine provides a high-resolution, high-fidelity view into how spaces are used and experienced across an operator’s entire portfolio, empowering strategic decision-making and driving tangible business value.

"Our new Intelligence Engine represents a paradigm shift in how CRE executives understand and optimise their assets. With its robust analytics and actionable insights, Intelligence Engine empowers decision-makers to unlock new opportunities for revenue growth and tenant satisfaction."  ️ Mark Furness, CEO, essensys

The flight to quality

Gone are the days when CRE was synonymous with traditional box-in-a-box leases, where the sole focus was on filling office spaces. Today, we find ourselves in a dynamic landscape shaped by the rise of hybrid work models, the growing demand for flexible spaces, and the evolving expectations of occupiers. The pandemic has accelerated this evolution, prompting a fundamental rethink of how we use and interact with commercial spaces. Occupiers now seek more than just a place to work – they crave environments that foster collaboration, creativity, and community.

As a result, operators are under pressure to adapt, offering flexible solutions that cater to diverse workstyles and preferences. It’s about crafting experiences that resonate with occupiers, understanding their journeys within these spaces and delivering exceptional value. This shift demands a new approach – one driven by data and insights.

Understanding occupancy is no longer enough

But here lies the challenge: as the industry has evolved, the old ways of measuring the performance of spaces has become outdated. The data needed to truly understand how spaces are actually being used and the experience within them is often fragmented, low-resolution, or even non-existent. Most occupancy tracking solutions only offer a glimpse of the real picture – they provide the “how many”, but they lack the granularity that matters in today’s world – the “who, what, where, when”. Most operators don’t have visibility over their occupiers’ experience with the digital services being provided – relying on anecdotal feedback or complaints to the front desk to understand when there’s an issue. If solutions are deployed to capture some of this information, it’s rarely pulled together in a meaningful way that enables operators to action it.

Data serves as the lifeblood of modern CRE operations. However, the lack of an accurate, comprehensive view into how spaces are used and experienced leaves operators in the dark when it comes to truly understanding their spaces and occupiers. The result? Guesswork and suboptimal outcomes.

Intelligence Engine gives operators the insights they need to truly understand their spaces & occupiers

We’re tackling these challenges head-on with Intelligence Engine by providing high-resolution, high-fidelity insights into two critical areas: Space Utilisation and Digital Experience. Leveraging proprietary datasets and advanced pattern recognition, Intelligence Engine empowers decision-makers to revolutionise their approach to CRE and flexible workspace management.

Space Utilisation insights transcend basic occupancy metrics by offering landlords and operators a comprehensive view of how their spaces are actually used. With Intelligence Engine, operators can delve into insights such as the most in-demand spaces, the average frequency and time spent on-site, journeys throughout sites and across portfolios, as well as diving into trends at a portfolio-, site- and occupier-level.

Digital Experience (DX) insights provide visibility into DX “health” from an end-user perspective by analysing critical factors that impact digital experience – such as connectivity issues, bandwidth usage patterns, failed WiFi logins, and more. Intelligence Engine proactively highlights factors that may be impacting DX across the portfolio, providing operators with actionable insights that help drive occupier satisfaction.

All of this is available in one central platform, providing a source of truth for how spaces are truly used and experienced. Intelligence Engine pulls data from multiple proprietary datasets into a single view, where operators can understand performance at-a-glance, as well as dive into the deeper analysis when required.

We’re uniquely positioned to provide these insights, capitalising on the proprietary data sources that facilitates essensys Platform to manage relationships between spaces, occupiers and digital services. This, combined with our industry knowledge and expertise harnessed from serving the CRE and flexible workspace industry since 2006, enables us to offer an intelligence solution that isn’t available anywhere else on the market.

Intelligence that drives real impact

Intelligence Engine enables essensys Platform customers to drive real business value. With a deep understanding of how spaces are actually used and the digital experience within them, space operators are able to make strategic decisions with confidence – decisions that reduce costs, drive occupancy and increase yield.

Reduce operating costs

  • Improve resource allocation by identifying over- and under-utilised spaces, services and utilities
  • Enhance energy efficiency with visibility over your busiest times and days
  • Optimise staffing levels by understanding utilisation patterns and trends at every site

‍ Drive occupancy

  • Predict occupier behaviour and identify churn risks by analysing patterns in utilisation and DX
  • Offer tailored solutions using utilisation and DX insights, that address the specific needs of your occupiers
  • Target your marketing and sales efforts, by understanding your occupiers and spaces

Increase yield p.s.f.

  • Optimise spaces and layouts by understanding which spaces are most in-demand
  • Tailor your offerings to meet market demand – commanding higher rates and attracting premium occupiers
  • Identify upsell opportunities by identifying potential space and/or service upgrades for occupiers

Ready to get started? ✨

The sooner you truly understand your spaces and occupiers, the sooner you can turn these insights into impact. We can’t wait to show you how Intelligence Engine can help you drive your business forward – click ➡️ here ⬅️ to find out more and register for a demo.