3 ways to increase yield using insights with essensys Platform Intelligence Engine

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With growing cost-pressures and limited access to capital, space operators have to find innovative ways to improve business performance. Discovering yield and monetisation opportunities is key to this – and access to the right insights makes it possible.

Here are three ways you can use data and insights to identify yield and monetisation opportunities across your portfolio, using Intelligence Engine.

1. Optimise your spaces based on demand

We all know that efficiently using your space is key to making money. By understanding which spaces are the most in-demand, you can optimise space allocation and configuration to maximise revenue potential. Insights into space utilisation patterns, busiest times, and user preferences enable operators to identify high-demand areas and allocate resources accordingly. Whether it’s reconfiguring layouts to accommodate demand or repurposing under-utilised spaces, optimising space allocation based on insights ensures every square foot contributes to revenue generation.

Intelligence Engine tells you:

  • Which sites are your busiest
  • What types of space are most in-demand
  • Whether spaces are over- or under-utilised

This allows you to quickly understand the types of spaces your occupiers are using and deliver that to them. For example, if you identify that your spec suites in NYC are constantly full, you can make a decision to increase their prices, or to provide more spec suites.

2. Tailor your offerings to occupiers ‍

Understanding what your occupiers want is crucial for attracting and keeping the best ones. By identifying the spaces and amenities that are most valued by users, you can tailor offerings to meet market demand effectively. Insights into occupier preferences, satisfaction levels, and trends enable you to align offerings with market demand, creating a compelling value proposition for your market. Whether it’s enhancing existing amenities or introducing new services, tailoring offerings based on insights ensures you stay ahead of the curve and attract occupiers willing to pay a premium for value-added services.

With Intelligence Engine, you can understand:

  • Who your occupiers are
  • What sites and spaces they use the most
  • How often and when they use these spaces

You can see which spaces and amenities are most popular with your occupiers. For example, maybe your enterprise tenants love your outdoor terrace and use meeting rooms a lot. Armed with this knowledge, you can offer them tailored packages that command higher rates and attract similar tenants.

3. Discover data-backed upsell opportunities

Upselling is a great way to boost revenue and keep your occupiers happy. By monitoring the utilisation and (DX) of your occupiers, you can identify upsell opportunities and capitalise on them effectively. Insights into occupier behaviour, usage patterns, and preferences enable you to identify opportunities for space or service upgrades. Whether it’s offering premium amenities or upgrading existing services, leveraging insights into occupier behaviour ensures you can upsell effectively, driving revenue growth and enhancing occupier satisfaction simultaneously.

Intelligence Engine shows you:

  • Occupier-level utilisation and DX insights
  • How their utilisation is trending
  • What factors are impacting their DX

You can easily see whether an occupier’s utilisation of your space is growing or shrinking, giving you an indication of how they’re using your space. If their utilisation is growing, you might identify opportunity to move them to a bigger space = higher rate. You can also see their digital experience score, giving you an indicator of how satisfied they might be. If you identify that their DX score is low because they’re constantly hitting their bandwidth limits, you might be able to upsell them to a bigger bandwidth package.

We’ve only scratched the surface…

In this blog, we’ve explored just a few examples around how insights into space utilisation and digital experience can help you increase yield across your portfolio. To discover the full potential of Intelligence Engine, just click here .