Beyond surveys: Unlocking the true potential of customer experience in commercial real estate 

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Understanding and enhancing the customer experience has become a critical differentiator for workspace providers, but most measure experience based on periodic surveys (if at all). The reality is that surveys aren’t providing the full picture and come with a variety of limitations. In this blog we take a look at why traditional methods fall short and how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way we measure and improve customer satisfaction. 

The digital experience (DX) gap 

While surveys and feedback forms have their place, they’re missing a crucial piece of the puzzle: the digital experience (DX). In our hyper-connected world, DX encompasses how seamlessly your occupiers interact with your workspace’s digital ecosystem – from WiFi connectivity to smart building features. It’s the technological backbone that can make or break customer satisfaction. 

Why surveys alone don’t cut it 

Traditional feedback methods come with inherent limitations: 

  • Snapshot vs. Continuous Insight: Surveys provide periodic glimpses, often missing day-to-day pain points 
  • Bias and Inconsistency: Recent experiences can skew responses, leading to an incomplete picture
  • Qualitative Overload: Open-ended responses, while valuable, can be time-consuming to analyze effectively 
  • Uneven Representation: Not all occupiers respond, potentially leaving blind spots in your understanding 

Enter Intelligence Engine: the DX game-changer

Intelligence Engine in essensys Platform addresses these shortcomings, offering a dynamic and comprehensive approach to measuring Digital Experience. Here’s how it transforms occupier experience management: 

  1. Real-time, all the time

Forget waiting for quarterly survey results. Intelligence Engine continuously measures your occupiers’ digital interactions, employing fusion metrics that combine multiple proprietary datasets from WiFi, network telemetry, hardware performance, and more. This provides an up-to-the-minute pulse on DX health across your portfolio. 

  1. The occupier’s-eye view

Intelligence Engine captures the authentic end-user perspective. It doesn’t just measure surface-level metrics; it delivers high-resolution, high-fidelity insights into how your digital experience impacts daily occupier journeys in your spaces. From WiFi connectivity hiccups to overall site performance trends, you’ll gain a nuanced understanding of what truly matters to your tenants. 

  1. From reactive to proactive

Imagine addressing potential issues before they become customer complaints. Intelligence Engine’s continuous monitoring allows you to do just that. By measuring DX health at a portfolio-level – all the way down to site-, occupier- and user-levels, you can spot trends, understand the impacts, and take preemptive action – keeping your occupiers productive and satisfied. 

  1. A holistic view for strategic decision-making

Intelligence Engine integrates diverse data points into a unified dashboard, giving you a comprehensive overview of DX health across your entire portfolio. This bird’s-eye view, coupled with the ability to drill down to site-, occupier- or user-specific metrics, empowers you to make data-driven decisions on technology investments and improvements that drive real business outcomes around occupancy, yield and costs. 

  1. Engagement that evolves

The workplace is constantly changing, and so are your occupiers’ needs. Intelligence Engine’s continuous measurement of DX health allows you to stay ahead of the curve, fostering a more responsive and adaptable environment that keeps pace with evolving tenant expectations. 

Taking control of your customer experience narrative 

Intelligence Engine in essensys Platform marks a significant leap forward in how CRE leaders can measure and enhance the digital experience throughout their spaces. By moving beyond the limitations of traditional surveys and embracing real-time, data-driven insights, you gain the power to: 

  • Proactively address issues before they impact tenant satisfaction 
  • Make strategic technology investments based on actual usage patterns 
  • Demonstrate your commitment to providing a cutting-edge work environment 
  • Ultimately drive higher retention rates and attract premium tenants 

As workspace environments continue to evolve and become increasingly reliant on digital technologies, having the tools to monitor and improve DX effectively is essential. Intelligence Engine empowers workspace providers with the insights needed to create a more responsive, efficient, and satisfying digital experience for occupiers.