WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS + 802.1x

Why WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS + 802.1X is essential for securing multi-tenant workspaces

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The cybersecurity challenges in today’s flexible, multi-tenant office environments are vastly different from traditional office setups. With multiple businesses sharing not just physical space but also the same WiFi infrastructure, the risks associated with unsecured networks have multiplied. In this setting, WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS + 802.1X offers a level of security that simply can’t be matched by more common alternatives like WPA-2 with a pre-shared key (PSK).

For CRE operators managing these multi-tenant environments, adopting stronger security protocols is no longer optional—it’s critical to protecting the network and every business operating within it.


The risks of inadequate network security

Shared workspaces create a unique security dilemma. In traditional offices, each tenant manages their own dedicated network. But in a multi-tenant setting, everyone—tenants, visitors, and even contractors—could be using the same WiFi. Without robust cybersecurity, a breach in one tenant’s system could expose the entire network, putting multiple businesses at risk.

Cyberattacks in shared spaces are not theoretical. There have been cases where bad actors have infiltrated shared networks, intercepting data, and accessing sensitive information by exploiting weak or shared passwords. This can result in major financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal liabilities for both tenants and operators.


WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS + 802.1X: The security solution you need

When it comes to providing access to WiFi in shared workspaces, you have a few options. We’ve outlined them below in order of least secure to most secure.

  • No security: Let anyone login to the network without any barrier.
  • Pre-shared key (PSK): Provide a shared, common password to access the network.
  • Unique credentials: Provide every user with a unique username and password.
  • Digital certificates: Once authorized, a device receives a digital certificate that grants access.

Many WiFi solutions use an approach called WPA-2 (WiFi Protected Access 2). This is a security protocol designed to secure and protect access to WiFi networks. WPA-2, however, is really designed for home or small office networks – and uses a pre-shared key (a shared password). In other words, WPA-2 is not suitable for multi-tenant workspace environments.

WPA-2 Enterprise is the more secure, enterprise-grade option. WPA-2 Enterprise, when combined with RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) and 802.1X authentication, provides a highly secure and scalable solution specifically designed for environments like multi-tenant workspaces.

Let’s break down what makes this approach different—and far more secure—than common alternatives:


Why WPA-2 Enterprise is better for multi-tenant workspaces

1. Individual authentication with RADIUS + 802.1X
  • One of the biggest weaknesses of WPA-2 (PSK) is that all users share the same password. In a shared office, once that password gets into the wrong hands, bad actors can easily access the network. Worse, employees often reuse or share passwords, making this method highly vulnerable.
  • WPA-2 Enterprise eliminates this risk by using individual credentials for each user and device. This is where RADIUS and 802.1X come into play. Instead of a single password for the entire network, each tenant’s employees must authenticate themselves via the RADIUS server. This means the network can verify whether someone actually has permission to access it, and even if one account is compromised, it doesn’t put the entire network at risk.
2. Certificate-based authentication
  • Using RADIUS provides the option for using certificate-based authentication. Instead of authenticating using credentials every time, the device the user logs in with is issued with a digital certificate. This certificate is recognised by the network and allows automatic access to the network – without the user having to log in every time they enter. This is not only much more secure, but also provides a better digital experience.
3. Full control over device access
  • In a multi-tenant environment, controlling who accesses the network is only half the battle. You also need to control what devices can connect. With WPA-2 Enterprise, each device is authenticated individually. This means you can limit access to authorized devices only, and deny access to unknown or potentially malicious devices. This level of control is critical when tenants might be connecting dozens of different devices—laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more.
4. Scalability for growing tenant bases
  • As multi-tenant spaces grow, so does the complexity of managing network access. With WPA-2 PSK, changing the shared password would require notifying all tenants and disrupting their access—a logistical nightmare. WPA-2 Enterprise, however, is highly scalable. You can easily add or remove users without affecting anyone else, making it perfect for environments where businesses frequently move in or out, or where guest access is needed for short-term visitors.
5. Stronger encryption for greater protection
  • WPA-2 Enterprise also uses stronger encryption algorithms than basic WPA-2 (PSK), making it far more resistant to hacking attempts. For tenants dealing with sensitive client data, financial information, or intellectual property, this added layer of security is non-negotiable.


Why common alternatives don’t cut it in multi-tenant spaces

While WPA-2 with a pre-shared key (PSK) is adequate for a home or small office setup, it leaves too many security gaps for multi-tenant workspaces. The shared nature of the password means that once it’s compromised, every user on the network is vulnerable. This is especially problematic in spaces where new people are coming and going daily—like visitors, contractors, or short-term tenants.

Even WPA-3, the latest WiFi security standard, still has limitations when used in multi-tenant environments. While it offers better encryption than WPA-2, it doesn’t address the issue of shared passwords, making it less suitable than WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS for high-traffic, multi-user networks.


Protecting your tenants – and your business

As a CRE operator, your responsibility goes beyond just providing physical space; you’re now also responsible for the digital infrastructure that powers your tenants’ businesses. By adopting WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS and 802.1X, you’re not just meeting minimum security requirements—you’re proactively securing your tenants against potential data breaches, protecting your reputation, and ensuring your workspace remains a trusted environment.

Cyberattacks targeting co-working and shared spaces that have weak network security can lead to devastating consequences. The time to upgrade your network security is now—before bad actors find a way in.

By implementing WPA-2 Enterprise with RADIUS + 802.1X, you’re choosing a solution that scales with your business, offers unparalleled security, and ensures peace of mind for your tenants in an increasingly complex threat landscape.